constant - a value that always assumes the same value independent of how its parameters are varied
Free Algebra Master (Polynomials) Calculator - Given 2 polynomials this does the following:
1) Polynomial Addition
2) Polynomial Subtraction
Also generates binomial theorem expansions and polynomial expansions with or without an outside constant multiplier.
Free Approximations of Interest Rate Calculator - Interest Rate Approximations: Approximates a yield rate of interest based on 4 methods:
1) Max Yield denoted as imax
2) Min Yield denoted as imin
3) Constant Ratio denoted as icr
4) Direct Ratio denoted as idr
Free Basic m x n Matrix Operations Calculator - Given 2 matrices |A| and |B|, this performs the following basic matrix operations
* Matrix Addition |A| + |B|
* Matrix Subtraction |A| - |B|
* Matrix Multiplication |A| x |B|
* Scalar multiplication rA where r is a constant.
Free Charles Law Calculator - This will solve for any of the 4 items in Charles Law assuming constant pressure
V1 ÷ T1 = V2 ÷ T2
Free Derangements - Subfactorials Calculator - Calculates the number of derangements/subfactorial !n.
Free Derivatives Calculator - This lesson walks you through the derivative definition, rules, and examples including the power rule, derivative of a constant, chain rule
Free Equation and Inequalities Calculator - Solves an equation or inequality with 1 unknown variable and no exponents as well as certain absolute value equations and inequalities such as |x|=c and |ax| = c where a and c are constants. Solves square root, cube root, and other root equations in the form ax^2=c, ax^2 + b = c. Also solves radical equations in the form asqrt(bx) = c. Also solves open sentences and it will solve one step problems and two step equations. 2 step equations and one step equations and multi step equations
Free Exponential Growth Calculator - This solves for any 1 of the 4 items in the exponential growth equation or exponential decay equation, Initial Value (P), Ending Value (A), Rate (r), and Time (t).
Free Frequency and Wavelength and Photon Energy Calculator - Provides the following 3 items using the speed of light and Plancks constant (h):
- Given a frequency of centimeters, feet, meters, or miles the calculator will determine wavelength in Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz
Given a wavelength of Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz, the calculator will determine frequency in centimeters, feet, meters, or miles
- Calculates photon energy
Free Function Calculator - Takes various functions (exponential, logarithmic, signum (sign), polynomial, linear with constant of proportionality, constant, absolute value), and classifies them, builds ordered pairs, and finds the y-intercept and x-intercept and domain and range if they exist. Table of Functions Calculator
Free Gamma Constant γ Calculator - This calculator generates 5000 iterations for the development of the gamma constant γ
Free Gravitational Force Calculator - Using Sir Isaac Newtons Law of Gravitational Force, this calculator determines the force between two objects with mass in kilograms at a distance apart in meters using the constant of gravity.
Free Greatest Common Factors of Monomials Calculator - This calculator will determine the Greatest Common Factors of a set of Monomials
Free Interpolation Calculator - Given a set of data, this interpolates using the following methods:
* Linear Interpolation
* Nearest Neighbor (Piecewise Constant)
* Polynomial Interpolation
Free Joint Variation Equations Calculator - Given a joint variation (jointly proportional) of a variable between two other variables with a predefined set of conditions, this will create the joint variation equation and solve based on conditions. Also called combined variation.
Free Logarithms and Natural Logarithms and Eulers Constant (e) Calculator - This calculator does the following:
* Takes the Natural Log base e of a number x Ln(x) → logex
* Raises e to a power of y, ey
* Performs the change of base rule on logb(x)
* Solves equations in the form bcx = d where b, c, and d are constants and x is any variable a-z
* Solves equations in the form cedx=b where b, c, and d are constants, e is Eulers Constant = 2.71828182846, and x is any variable a-z
* Exponential form to logarithmic form for expressions such as 53 = 125 to logarithmic form
* Logarithmic form to exponential form for expressions such as Log5125 = 3
Free Mathematical Constants and Identities Calculator - Calculates and explains various mathematical constants such as:
* Gelfonds (Gelfond's) Constant
* Eulers Constant
Free PI Calculator - This calculator performs operations with PI and gives you other options for π related calculations.
Free Polynomial Calculator - This calculator will take an expression without division signs and combine like terms.
It will also analyze an polynomial that you enter to identify constant, variables, and exponents. It determines the degree as well.
Free Pressure Law Calculator - This will solve for any of the 4 items in the Pressure Law equation, also known as Gay-Lussacs Law assuming constant volume
P1 ÷ T1 = P2 ÷ T2
Free Synthetic Division Calculator - Using Ruffinis Rule, this performs synthetic division by dividing a polynomial with a maximum degree of 6 by a term (x ± c) where c is a constant root using the factor theorem. The calculator returns a quotient answer that includes a remainder if applicable. Also known as the Rational Zero Theorem