Alphabetical Lesson List: (69) lessons starting with the letter S

[+]   Salary Converter
Free Salary Converter Calculator - This calculator converts an annual salary to the following measures:
* Monthly
* Weekly
* Daily
* Hourly
* Each Minute
* Each Second

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (2):
100000 salary
4000 salary monthly


[+]   Sales Price Variance
Free Sales Price Variance Calculator - Calculates the Sales Price Variance and Total Variance for a group of products

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Sales Tax
[+]   Sample Size Reliability for μ
Free Sample Size Reliability for μ Calculator - Given a population standard deviation σ, a reliability (confidence) value or percentage, and a variation, this will calculate the sample size necessary to make that test valid.

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Sample Size Requirement for the Difference of Means
Free Sample Size Requirement for the Difference of Means Calculator - Given a population standard deviation 1 of σ1, a population standard deviation 2 of σ2 a reliability (confidence) value or percentage, and a variation, this will calculate the sample size necessary to make that test valid.

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Sample Space Probability
Free Sample Space Probability Calculator - Given a sample space S and an Event Set E, this calculates the probability of the event set occuring.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   SAT Practice Exam
This is a practice exam for the SAT (Standard Aptitude Test).

Features:  Calculator


[+]   Scientific Notation
Free Scientific Notation Calculator - * Converts a number into scientific notation and determines order of magnitude
* converts scientific notation to a number (standard notation). Also handles scientific notation operations.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (3):
456 to scientific
(4.2 x 10e5) x (2.1 x 10e6)


[+]   Sectoral Balance
Free Sectoral Balance Calculator - Solves for any of the 6 inputs in the Sectoral Balance equation by Wynne Godley

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (1):


[+]   Security Market Line and Treynor Ratio
Free Security Market Line and Treynor Ratio Calculator - Solves for any of the 4 items in the Security Market Line equation, Risk free rate, market return, Β, and expected return as well as calculate the Treynor Ratio.

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Security Plus Exam
Exam answers and Study Guide for the Security Plus Exam

Features:  Calculator


[+]   Sequences
Free Sequences Calculator - Given a function a(n) and a count of sequential terms you want to expand (n), this calcuator will determine the first (n) terms of your sequence, {a1, a2, ..., an}

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Set Notation
Free Set Notation Calculator - Given two number sets A and B, this determines the following:
* Union of A and B, denoted A U B
* Intersection of A and B, denoted A ∩ B
* Elements in A not in B, denoted A - B
* Elements in B not in A, denoted B - A
* Symmetric Difference A Δ B
* The Concatenation A · B
* The Cartesian Product A x B
* Cardinality of A = |A|
* Cardinality of B = |B|
* Jaccard Index J(A,B)
* Jaccard Distance Jσ(A,B)
* Dice's Coefficient
* If A is a subset of B
* If B is a subset of A

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Set Theory Notation
[+]   Sets
Free Sets Calculator - This lesson walks you through what a set is, how to write a set, elements of a set, types of sets, cardinality of a set, complement of a set.

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Shading Decimals
Free Shading Decimals Calculator - This calculator shades a grid for a decimal.

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (1):
Shade 3.31


[+]   Sharpe Ratio
Free Sharpe Ratio Calculator - Calculates the Sharpe ratio given return on assets, risk free rate, and standard deviation

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (0):


[+]   Short Sale Yield Rate
Free Short Sale Yield Rate Calculator - Calculates the Yield Rate on a short sale of stock.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Sieve of Eratosthenes
Free Sieve of Eratosthenes Calculator - Using the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm, this will show how many prime numbers are less than a number (n).

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (2):
sieve of Eratosthenes less than 40
prime numbers less than 50


[+]   Sigmoid Function
Free Sigmoid Function Calculator - Calculates the Sigmoid Function S(x) given an x value

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (2):


[+]   Sign Test
Free Sign Test Calculator - This will determine whether to accept or reject a null hypothesis based on a number set, mean value, alternative hypothesis, and a significance level using the Sign Test.

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Signed Integer Operations
Free Signed Integer Operations Calculator - This performs a string of signed integer operations, either all addition and subtraction, or all multiplication and division.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Significant Figures
Free Significant Figures Calculator - Rounds a number to a select number of significant figures

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (2):
151.08 to 3 sig figs
4567 to 3 significant girures


[+]   Simple and Compound and Continuous Interest
Free Simple and Compound and Continuous Interest Calculator - Calculates any of the four parameters of the simple interest formula or compound interest formula or continuous compound formula
1) Principal
2) Accumulated Value (Future Value)
3) Interest
4) Time.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (0):


[+]   Simple Discount and Compound Discount
Free Simple Discount and Compound Discount Calculator - Given a principal value, interest rate, and time, this calculates the Accumulated Value using Simple Discount and Compound Discount

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Simplest Exponent Form
Free Simplest Exponent Form Calculator - This expresses repeating algebraic expressions such as 3*a*a*a*b*b into simplest exponent form.

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Simultaneous Equations
Free Simultaneous Equations Calculator - Solves a system of simultaneous equations with 2 unknowns using the following 3 methods:
1) Substitution Method (Direct Substitution)
2) Elimination Method
3) Cramers Method or Cramers Rule Pick any 3 of the methods to solve the systems of equations 2 equations 2 unknowns

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Sine Wave
Free Sine Wave Calculator - Solves for any of the 3 items of the Sine Wave: Peak Value, Average Value, and RMS value given 1 input.

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Sinking Fund Depreciation Method
Free Sinking Fund Depreciation Method Calculator - Using the Sinking Fund method of Depreciation, this calculator determines the following:
* Depreciation at time t (Dt)
* Asset Value (A)
* Salvage Value (S)
* Book Value at time t (Bt)

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Sinking Funds
Free Sinking Funds Calculator - Solves for Sinking Fund Deposit or Initial Loan Amount.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Slope Word Problems
[+]   Social Security and Covered Compensation
Free Social Security and Covered Compensation Calculator - Calculates an estimated monthly Social Security Benefit based on a smooth estimate of pay over your work history.
Also calculates a covered compensation amount based on a year of birth

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Solution Mixture
Free Solution Mixture Calculator - Determines a necessary amount of a Solution given two solution percentages and 1 solution amount.

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (1):
how much pure acid should be added to 18 L of 30% acid to increase the concentration of 50% acid?


[+]   Special Triangles: Isosceles and 30-60-90
Free Special Triangles: Isosceles and 30-60-90 Calculator - Given an Isosceles triangle (45-45-90) or 30-60-90 right triangle, the calculator will solve the 2 remaining sides of the triangle given one side entered.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (1):
The hypotenuse of a 30-60-90 triangle is 16, calculate the small side.


[+]   Speed Conversions
Free Speed Conversions Calculator - This converts between the following speed measurements:
* mph
* ft/s
* km/h
* m/sec

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Spelling Rules
Free Spelling Rules Calculator - Shows spelling rules with sounding rules

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (0):


[+]   Spheres
Free Spheres Calculator - Calculates and solves for Volume (Capacity), Surface Area, and Radius of a Sphere.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (4):
sphere radius = 3
sphere diameter equal to 10
sphere volume is 6
sphere surface area = 10


[+]   Split Fund Interest
Free Split Fund Interest Calculator - Given an initial principal amount, interest rate on Fund 1, interest rate on Fund 2, and a total interest paid, calculates the amount invested in each fund.

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Sports Pool Generator
Free Sports Pool Generator Calculator - This generator produces the following two sports (office) pools with shuffled scoring numbers (0 - 9):
1) Blank Sports Pool: This button generates a blank sports pool grid with shuffled numbers
2) Sports Pool with Names: This sports pool allows you to enter up to 100 names which will be randomly dropped into the blank grid boxes from Option 1 above.

This is easily copied and pasted into a program like Microsoft Word so that you can format it to your liking.

Features:  Calculator


[+]   Square Number
Free Square Number Calculator - This calculator determines the nth square number

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (2):
30th Square number
45th Square number


[+]   Square Root Table
Free Square Root Table Calculator - Generates a square root table for the first (n) numbers rounded to (r) digits

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (2):
square root table for 200 rounded to 5 digits
square root table through 325


[+]   Square Roots and Exponents
Free Square Roots and Exponents Calculator - Given a number (n), or a fraction (n/m), and/or an exponent (x), or product of up to 5 radicals, this determines the following:
* The square root of n denoted as √n
* The square root of the fraction n/m denoted as √n/m
* n raised to the xth power denoted as nx (Write without exponents)
* n raised to the xth power raised to the yth power denoted as (nx)y (Write without exponents)
* Product of up to 5 square roots: √abcde
* Write a numeric expression such as 8x8x8x8x8 in exponential form

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (13):
Square root of 136
square root 247
2 to the 4 power


[+]   Squares
Free Squares Calculator - Solve for Area of a square, Perimeter of a square, side of a square, diagonal of a square.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (4):
square side = 3
square perimeter equal to 10
square area is 6
square diagonal = 5


[+]   Standard Normal Distribution
Free Standard Normal Distribution Calculator - Givena normal distribution z-score critical value, this will generate the probability. Uses the NORMSDIST Excel function.

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (2):


[+]   Standard Notation
Free Standard Notation Calculator - Calculates the following:
* The numeric notation of word notation
* Standard notation of expanded notation

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (7):
9256 in word notation
4598 expanded notation
twentyfive million
eighty six thousand, four hundred thirty two
100(5) + 20(4) + 6
9 x 1000 + 8 x 100 + 7 x 10
987654321 as words


[+]   Standard Notation
[+]   Static Determinacy and Stability
Free Static Determinacy and Stability Calculator - Given a number of joints (j) and a number of members (m), this determines if a truss is statically determinate, statically indeterminate, or unstable

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (1):


[+]   Statistics Summary
Free Statistics Summary Calculator - This is a summary of formulas, pointers, and decision trees for statistics.

Features:  Calculator


[+]   Stoichiometry Conversion
Free Stoichiometry Conversion Calculator - Converts between molecules, moles, grams

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (1):
3 moles copper to grams


[+]   Stopping-Braking Distance for a Car
Free Stopping-Braking Distance for a Car Calculator - Calculates the estimated stopping distance of a vehicle given a speed in miles per hour (mph)

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (2):
75 miles per hour


[+]   Straight Line Depreciation
Free Straight Line Depreciation Calculator - Solves for Depreciation Charge, Asset Value, Salvage Value, Time, N, and Book Value using the Straight Line Method.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Strain
Free Strain Calculator - Solves for any of the 3 items in the strain equation: Change in Length, Strain, and Original Length

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Stress
Free Stress Calculator - Solves for any of the 3 items in the stress formula: Stress, Force, and Area

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (3):


[+]   String Comparison Algorithms
Free String Comparison Algorithms Calculator - Given two strings A and B, this calculates the following items:
1) Similar Text Pair Ranking Score
2) Levenshtein (Edit Distance).

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Student-t Distribution Critical Values
Free Student-t Distribution Critical Values Calculator - Given an α value and degrees of freedom, this calculates the right-tailed test and left-tailed test critical values for the Student-t Distribution

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (2):


[+]   Subtraction Equality Property
Free Subtraction Equality Property Calculator - Demonstrates the Subtraction Equality Property Numerical Properties

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Subtraction Property Of Inequality
Free Subtraction Property Of Inequality Calculator - Demonstrates the Subtraction Property Of Inequality Numerical Properties

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Successor
Free Successor Calculator - Calculates the successor number to a given number

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (3):
successor for 25
what is the successor for 30
50 successor


[+]   Sum of Consecutive Numbers
Free Sum of Consecutive Numbers Calculator - Finds the sum of (n) consecutive integers, even or odd as well. Examples include:
sum of 2 consecutive integers
sum of 2 consecutive numbers
sum of 2 consecutive even integers
sum of 2 consecutive odd integers
sum of 2 consecutive even numbers
sum of 2 consecutive odd numbers
sum of two consecutive integers
sum of two consecutive odd integers
sum of two consecutive even integers
sum of two consecutive numbers
sum of two consecutive odd numbers
sum of two consecutive even numbers
sum of 3 consecutive integers
sum of 3 consecutive numbers
sum of 3 consecutive even integers
sum of 3 consecutive odd integers
sum of 3 consecutive even numbers
sum of 3 consecutive odd numbers
sum of three consecutive integers
sum of three consecutive odd integers
sum of three consecutive even integers
sum of three consecutive numbers
sum of three consecutive odd numbers
sum of three consecutive even numbers
sum of 4 consecutive integers
sum of 4 consecutive numbers
sum of 4 consecutive even integers
sum of 4 consecutive odd integers
sum of 4 consecutive even numbers
sum of 4 consecutive odd numbers
sum of four consecutive integers
sum of four consecutive odd integers
sum of four consecutive even integers
sum of four consecutive numbers
sum of four consecutive odd numbers
sum of four consecutive even numbers
sum of 5 consecutive integers
sum of 5 consecutive numbers
sum of 5 consecutive even integers
sum of 5 consecutive odd integers
sum of 5 consecutive even numbers
sum of 5 consecutive odd numbers
sum of five consecutive integers
sum of five consecutive odd integers
sum of five consecutive even integers
sum of five consecutive numbers
sum of five consecutive odd numbers
sum of five consecutive even numbers

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Sum of Five Consecutive Integers
Free Sum of Five Consecutive Integers Calculator - Finds five consecutive integers, if applicable, who have a sum equal to a number. Sum of 5 consecutive integers

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Sum of Four Consecutive Integers
Free Sum of Four Consecutive Integers Calculator - Finds four consecutive integers, if applicable, who have a sum equal to a number. Sum of 4 consecutive integers

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Sum of the First (n) Numbers
Free Sum of the First (n) Numbers Calculator - Determines the sum of the first (n)
* Whole Numbers
* Natural Numbers
* Even Numbers
* Odd Numbers
* Square Numbers
* Cube Numbers
* Fourth Power Numbers

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (5):
sum of the first 9 natural numbers
what is the sum of the first 10 cube numbers
show sum of the first 10 square numbers
sum first 15 even numbers
sum first 18 odd numbers


[+]   Sum of the Years Digits (SOYD) Depreciation
Free Sum of the Years Digits (SOYD) Depreciation Calculator - Solves for Depreciation Charge, Asset Value, and Book Value using the Sum of the Years Digits Method

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Sum of Three Consecutive Integers
Free Sum of Three Consecutive Integers Calculator - Finds three consecutive integers, if applicable, who have a sum equal to a number. Sum of 3 consecutive integers

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Sum to Product and Product to Sum Formulas
Free Sum to Product and Product to Sum Formulas Calculator - Given two angles in degrees of u and v, this determines the following:
* Sin(u) ± Sin(v)
* Cos(u) ± Cos(v)
* Sin(u)Sin(v)
* Cos(u)Cos(v)
* Sin(u)Cos(v)
* Cos(u)Sin(v)
* Sin(u + v)
* Sin(u - v)
* Cos(u + v)
* Cos(u - v)
* Tan(u + v)
* Tan(u - v)

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (6):


[+]   Sun Shadow
Free Sun Shadow Calculator - This solves for various components and scenarios of the sun shadow problem

Features:  Calculator


[+]   Survival Rates
Free Survival Rates Calculator - Given a set of times and survival population counts, the calculator will determine the following:
Survival Population lx
Mortality Population dx
Survival Probability px
Mortality Probability qx
In addition, the calculator will determine the probability of survival from tx to tx + n

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator


[+]   Symmetric Property
[+]   Synthetic Division
Free Synthetic Division Calculator - Using Ruffinis Rule, this performs synthetic division by dividing a polynomial with a maximum degree of 6 by a term (x ± c) where c is a constant root using the factor theorem. The calculator returns a quotient answer that includes a remainder if applicable. Also known as the Rational Zero Theorem

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video
